Thanks Jimbo (for being one of the best chapter presidents out there), Lucky and Tulip. Great job on those tee shirts.
Just wanted to say, we missed all of the other members, but we most certainly understand that some were not able to attend. Finally got my drive way shoveled this morning, and that was defiantly a heavy snow!!!! The heart attack kind, if you know what I mean.
Glad to see that some of our members, who were injured, are out an about. We are so lucky that things weren't more serious. I have a very good friend from years ago, who had a very bad accident on his bike this past summer. Brain swelling, broken hip, leg badly damaged, etc. Riding motorcycles is a dangerous hobby, but if we play it safe, and anticipate trouble before it finds us, it can be a very rewarding experience. This winter won't last forever, so keep those warm thoughts going until we can hit the byways again.
I have often said, riding my bike on a warm day with a wind at your back, is one of the most delightful things I can do. We must all keep our knees in the breeze. Life is short, live it to the fullest everyday.