From the 404 events calendar.....
It's time to plan for Darwin Days. The date is August 13, 2011 in beautiful downtown Darwin Minnesota. We'll journey there to witness the magnificence that is the Twine Ball and maybe become part of the parade like last year.
So, with that invite in mind, for those south of the "River" we'll meet in Burnsville at the Transit Station on Hwy 13 and Nicollet ave. at 8:30 with kickstands up at 8:45. For those north of the River, we'll meet you in Firemens park in Chaska at or around 9:30. We'll take some scenic back roads to Darwin for the festivities.
So, have your bike clean, your tank filled with a liquid energy source, and your best and cleanest clothes on and let's ride.
I would appreciate it if people would respond that they are or aren't going so I have some idea what kind of mob I'll have following me.
See you Saturday, August 13 for our annual Twine Ball Run.