Kathy and I had a very good day with good friends yesterday! There were ten bikes with thirteen STARs for this event. We managed the short, isolated cloudburst with a bit of ice cream therapy.
And then avoided the threatening sky to the west by following our route north. Heard a very encouraging preliminary amount from Bob; he'll have good news for us all at the
meeting on the 17th.
I'm especially happy because we got this ride done on the original scheduled date without being rained out!
It was nice to get back to Hansen's Hold-up after a few years without riding there. Its my wish and suggestion to continue this as a destination ride to Hansen's but that will be up to the next ride planner. After seven great years its time for some new perspective as I plan to step down from this event. We plan to be active participants next year. Bob's got some ideas and people in mind as he moves forward next year. I hope we will continue to give him even stronger support for this worthy cause!