It was a great day for the swan run, a huge turn out of riders at Fury, our group had 31 bikes we had members from 292, 404 and 444, Milan led the ride through some beautiful Wisconsin country roads (thanks Milan)
But the day did not start out good for me, first thing i had to break the side door to my garage open as i had left my air compressor on and as it got cold in the night the comp. started and tripped the main breaker so i could not get into the garage, then about 3/4 of the way through the ride (i was tail gunner) we were coming up on the turn to K I was a ways back from the last bike and a deer jumped out in front of me, It was eather hit the deer or lay down the bike, I lay ed down the bike, the only thing that happened to the Raider was the clutch lever got redesigned and that's it I was shocked that that was it, as for me I have a couple of bruised ribs, a sore left leg and a sore left elbow and a nervous condition, a biker that was going in the opposite direction stopped to help me with the bike and to make sure i was OK, I got on the raider and started out then noticed my mirrors were loose so I stopped to tightened them up then continued on and meant up with Milan and Mark who had left the group to look for me, they told me that Tom F. had went to look for me so we went to look for him but could not find him, (Tom hope you made it home OK) so we headed for slipperys on the way their ( you will laugh at this) I was behind Mark his right side saddle bag was open and an empty water bottle (plastic) flew out and hit me in the helmet, I could have sworn it was Friday the 13th instead of Sunday the 7th, rode home with 292 and had no more problems.