Alright - new plan:
The St. Jude Ride today looks (again) like a washout. There might only be a window for a shortened route (on curvy, wet roads). The storm cells that have moved through in the last few days have been intense and the radar indicates that these may be the same. I'd said that I wanted to get this ride in today short of tornadoes or lightning storms - well, ....
Ken has graciously suggested a combination ride tomorrow of the Cheese Curd Run with the St. Jude Ride and Bob and I think that sounds great. It will be Ken's route for cheese curds (I will keep my original route for another time). We will meet tomorrow (
not at Century with 9:45a) at the
Holiday gas station at I-94 and Manning with
kickstands up at 10:00am. Thanks, Ken.
(related topic)
Today instead, consider going to Tousley's Victory event. Demo rides are scheduled and they may need help manning the grill.
Thanks to all for being flexible. (I guess the
lightning bolts are working yet, Bear.